Looking for a way to embed your documents in WordPress? Want to make your presentation slides, PDFs, and SVGs downloadable?

Embed Any Document: Quick Review

The Embed Any Document plugin allows you to upload and embed documents in WordPress and display them using Microsoft Office Online or the Google Docs Viewer.

I wrote an in-depth review and tutorial of the Embed Any Document plugin for Nimbus Themes that you should check out if you want to read more about the plugin or see how to get started with it.

A Developer’s Perspective

For clients that create most of their documents (PDFs, PowerPoint presentations, etc.) on their local drive and want to embed them to their website, I always go with the Embed Any Document plugin. It lets you set a default size for your document and gives you the option to show a download link for it on your site’s front-end.

The main advantage I see of using this plugin is that it displays your documents in Microsoft Office Online/Google Docs Viewer (depending upon your configuration settings) which increases its visual appeal and makes it functional.


  • Great for users who share documents frequently through their website.
  • Lets you add a Download link.
  • Mobile-responsive.


  • Doesn’t maintain a document archive.

An Average User’s Perspective

As an average user, I like how the Embed Any Document plugin integrates with the WordPress text editor and allows you to upload and add documents just as you would with images. It’s very intuitive and easy to get started with.

I was able to configure the plugin to show download links with the documents that I was sharing through my website. One major disadvantage is that either all of your documents will have download links or none of them will. The plugin doesn’t let you add download links to selected documents, view how many times a document was viewed/downloaded, or give you a quick glance at which posts/pages have documents embedded in them.


  • Intuitive, easy to use.
  • Lets you add download links to all of your documents.


  • Doesn’t let you add download links to selected documents.
  • Doesn’t tell you which posts/pages have documents embedded in them.

To Sum It Up

So, Embed Any Document – yay or nay?

If you’re a developer working with clients who embed documents into their site frequently, I’d recommending going with the Embed Any Document plugin simply because it’s easy to use and it makes the documents downloadable.

As an average user, the main benefit you’ll experience with Embed Any Document is that you’ll be able to embed documents in your site as if you were inserting images.

Embed Any Document